Human Testing - Workplace and Medico-Legal
Human Testing -
Workplace and
HASTA provides fast and efficient testing for illicit drugs in urine, oral fluid and hair.
Human and Supplement Testing Australia (HASTA) is a division of RASL, and all human drug testing now comes under our HASTA brand.
HASTA provides workplace (employee) drug testing services to a wide variety of Australian industries. These include the petrochemical, mining, construction, road transportation, aviation and law enforcement industries. This testing is predominantly aimed at the detection of illicit and/or recreationally-abused drugs which have potential occupational health and safety risks associated with their use.
HASTA can also provide specialty services on request, including comprehensive testing for synthetic cannabinoids and designer drug variants. For employees or subcontractors of Exxon Mobil and other petrochemical companies, HASTA is the only laboratory in Australia which is certified to perform the 9 panel drug test to DOT4 requirements.
As part of the quality drug testing services offered by HASTA, our experienced staff can provide expert advice to clients on all aspects of drug analysis and reporting.
For more information about RASL visit our website
Drug testing on urine and oral fluid samples are analysed to AS/NZS 4308:2008 and AS4760:2019 standards - most samples are reported within 24 hours of being received.
HASTA provides NATA accredited hair testing.
The advantage of hair testing is that it can detect drug use over an extended period, compared to the traditional urine or oral fluid tests, and provide evidence of chronic use. Drugs are detectable from 2 weeks up to 12 months after use. The methods are highly sensitive, and results are admissible for medico-legal proceedings.
HASTA only accepts hair samples from Drug Collection Agencies, not from donors directly. If you have a court order for a hair test, please contact a Drug Collection Agency in your state.
HASTA offers the following NATA accredited testing options for hair:
Drugs of abuse (DOA): we can test hair for over 60 common drugs of abuse, including illicit substances, prescription medications, non-steroidal anabolics and SARMS.
Anabolic steroids: we can test hair for over 35 known anabolic steroids and their esters.
EtG: Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) for the detection of alcohol abuse.
What should be tested?
Hair, oral fluid or urine?
Drugs are detected in a number of sample types for different lengths of time, so it is important to test the right sample. Depending on your Drug and Alcohol policy, you may want to test to control drug use in the workplace, or ensure complete abstinence from illicit drug taking.
HASTA is NATA accredited for testing human urine, oral fluid and hair giving your workplace a full range of testing options.
Roadside Oral Fluid Confirmation: Drug testing and confirmation is available for private citizens who wish to appeal their Police roadside drug testing results. This service provides confidential drug testing with rapid results for peace of mind.
Oral fluid
has the shortest detection window and indicates the most immediate evidence of drug use, with detection from 6 hours to 24 hours, depending on the drug.
offers longer detection windows, with some drugs detected for up to 10 days after use.
can detect drug use over an extended period, and provides evidence of chronic use. Traces can be detected after 2 weeks and can remain for up to 12 months, depending on the length of hair.