Detection of Banned Substances
HASTA’s comprehensive sport supplement screening test covers over 250 WADA prohibited substances. Our sports supplement testing method is NATA accredited and has been developed specifically for the Australian market, based on HASTA's testing experience and intelligence gathering network.
No product testing can ever guarantee that a batch is completely free from contamination, as prohibited substances can be present at very low levels, and not distributed evenly through a batch, but purchasing a HASTA certified product significantly reduces the risk.
What do we test for?
The HASTA sports supplement screen covers over 250 WADA prohibited substances from the following WADA prohibited substance classes:
S1Anabolic agents
S2Peptide hormones, growth factors, related substances & mimetics
S3Beta-2 agonists
S4Hormone & metabolic modulators
S5Diuretics & masking agents
P1 Beta-blockers
The HASTA testing criteria are reviewed each year with the release of the WADA Prohibited List; they are also reviewed as we become aware of changes in drug use patterns in Australia from our other testing, and the emergence of novel substances.
Banned Substances - FAQ's
Q. Who decides which drugs are banned?
A. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes a full list of banned substances and methods each year.
View the current official WADA Prohibited List here
Q. Can HASTA test for everything on the list?
A. No, the list contains methods (eg manipulation of blood) and non-approved substances (such as experimental drugs), but we believe the HASTA screening test is one of the most comprehensive available, covering well over 250 banned substances, focusing on those in each class that are known to have been detected in athletes.
Q. If HASTA tests a product does it mean it is WADA and Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) approved?
A. No, WADA and Sport Integrity Australia do not certify or endorse any supplement products. Furthermore, under their charter, WADA labs cannot provide commercial testing of supplements.
Q. Are banned substances really a problem in Australia?
A. Yes, Sport Integrity Australia sees supplement use as a significant risk to Australian athletes. See their full advice, and risk assessment tools here: